Friday, June 23, 2006

RJ and Katie's Big Day = Big Post

Here's RJ Stoked out of his mind that he's getting married and perhaps expressing a little anxiety about his bachelor party.

This is where RJ ended up just 15 minutes into his bachelor party! Ya, things were that crazy.

Actually, they were just trying to catch a cow. Only in the Northwest.

I very nice wedding indeed

Mr. and Mrs. Henneberg

"Fly Me to the Moon"

The best man roast, I mean toast

RJ and Katie giving me the strong non-verbal to wrap it up pronto!

May God bless your marriage from now until forevermore

This kid is next....

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Dear Hersha,

You came here with us. You started with us. You went through it with us. You finished with us. And You shared your dreams with us.

Thank you for bringing your love and passion to our class.

Thank your for the joy you so unselfishly gave. And though your physical presence will be missed, we are taking you with us. You will graduate with us.

We love you.

(Hersha King was killed in a car accident June 14, 2006. She is part of the School of Medicine Class of 2009)